Chris Brown's Bipolar And PTSD Diagnosis Relevant Piece Of The Puzzle

Chris Brown and attorney Mark Geragos

R&B singer Chris Brown was in court this past Friday for a hearing in his probation case, stemming from the Rihanna domestic violence incident. The rehab facility in Los Angeles that Brown has been attending for the past 3-months,disclosed in a report that the singer is bipolar and suffering from the effects of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). This explains much of his anger for members of the public.

Brown grew up in a home plagued by domestic violence, as his stepdad routinely beat his mother. During one incident, Brown’s stepdad accidentally shot himself whilst attacking the singer's mother, after trying to intimidate her with the weapon. He was rendered blind in one eye from the self-inflicted gunshot wound. Brown stated his stepdad used to beat and abuse him as well.

The Judiciary Report is of the belief Brown’s childhood traumas he experienced is a significant factor in the PTSD he is suffering. The Rihanna domestic violence incident, where his then girlfriend began hitting him over a text message, which led to him snapping and hitting her back, also contributed to the PTSD (as there were two other incidents where Rihanna was seen hitting Brown, who had declined to press charges). The fallout from the domestic violence case brought a significant amount of public criticism and hatred Brown’s way, creating more damage. 

Brown also got involved in Kabbalah, after Rihanna brought him into the sect. The Kabbalah Center’s teachings rendered other members of the sect bipolar as well (Britney Spears, Amanda Bynes, Lindsay Lohan and Steve-O among others). Brown has also been harassed and seen his career sabotaged by rapper Jay-Z, out of jealousy over Rihanna's feelings for him. Rihanna has been Jay-Z's mistress for years. Much like Jay-Z has spitefully harassed the love interests of other women he has been messing with on the side or has been trying to, whilst married to singer Beyonce. 

The judge ordered Brown to remain in rehab for two more months, a decision he is not completely happy with, but one that can be beneficial to him. He is looking stronger and healthier again, which is a good part of recovery. Brown is scheduled for another Los Angeles court hearing in April, to proceed the one he is expected to attend in Washington, DC.

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