Chris Brown Arrested In Rehab On Probation Violation


Chris Brown

Yesterday, singer Chris Brown was arrested in rehab on a probation violation that has not been disclosed to the public. Brown’s lawyer will make an appearance in court next week in an attempt to have the singer released from jail. This marks the second time Brown was ejected from the rehab facility. The first time was due to throwing a rock through his mother’s car window during a visit. 

In 2009, Brown was sentenced to 5-years probation over a domestic violence incident regarding on and off again girlfriend Rihanna. Brown’s probation was scheduled to conclude at the end of this year. Brown voluntarily entered rehab last year, just as the Judiciary Report stated several months prior was the best course of action regarding his situation. In doing so he was able to receive treatment for various issues. Brown successfully completed 95-days in rehab, but was very upset and dispirited when the judge ordered him to undergo an additional 60-days. 

Karrueche Tran

Brown felt like it was the community service fiasco all over again, where he had been ordered to complete a designated amount of hours, only to have it invalidated when the prosecutor’s office alleged he was given special treatment and did not actually perform the stipulated hours. Brown had to start all over again, undertaking 250 additional community service hours.

To make matters worse, Rihanna has been rubbing his face in her rekindled relationship with rapper Drake, engaging in high profile PDAs, when she usually keeps her relations with Brown’s rival and one time arch enemy, behind closed doors. 

Rihanna and Drake

It became tit for tat. Brown’s girlfriend visited him in rehab for Thanksgiving bringing the singer home cooked food for the holiday. Tran posted a photo of it on Instagram. This prompted Rihanna to rush to the rehab facility trying to one up Tran, in an incident that caused a stir. To be fair, Tran as his girlfriend, was right to visit him for the holidays while he was in rehab. Rihanna was being irrational to think otherwise. In retaliation for the visit and photo, Rihanna had Tran banned from a New York night club days before Christmas. 

Tran also visited Brown on New Years in rehab and posted a raunchy photo of her French kissing Brown. That photo ticked Rihanna off. Then Tran started helping Brown search for a new house, after putting two properties he owns in Los Angeles on the market. She also announced she wants to have babies in the near future. This prompted Rihanna to start going after Drake again and publicly so. Then she began openly seeing him, trying to make Brown jealous and derail Tran’s plans for marriage and a family with Chris, the love of Rihanna’s life. Rihanna laid it on thick, engaging in PDAs with Drake that got back to Brown, who still has feelings for her. 

Karrueche Tran and Chris Brown (Photo redacted by the Judiciary Report)

There were reports of Rihanna and Drake kissing, staying in the same hotel and even going into a public bathroom for what most assumed was sex. There are only two reasons a famous man and woman go into the same bathroom together - sex or drugs or both. However, what was the biggest slap in the face was online claims Drake had proposed to Rihanna. All of this tit for tat retaliation upset Brown, who was at his lowest ebb in rehab. The next announcement that was made is that of his arrest, after being booted from the rehab facility yesterday.

Brown has a pending case in Washington, D.C. regarding an incident where he was followed from a night club and harassed by local man, who attempted to board the singer’s tour bus without permission. He was subsequently rebuffed by Brown’s bodyguard, Chris Hollosy. A Secret Service agent heard the man state to police Brown did not hit him. However, the police report was changed to state Brown punched him in the face and broke his nose. Brown’s lawyer Mark Geragos made the discovery.


I was the first to report that Brown likes someone at the rehab facility he attended in Malibu, where he was arrested yesterday. I stated this on Twitter. I was initially informed “nothing happened” between Brown and the woman, which I posted on Twitter as well. Four days later, TMZ confirmed my story, but they are stating it was an “inappropriate relationship.” Brown and his girlfriend Karrueche Tran, have been having relationship difficulties during his four month stay in rehab. It’s tough on couples being apart that long. 

Brown was so close to completing rehab, but now he sits in a Los Angeles jail and is hurting. Jail is a tough experience. His problems are compounded by the fact the Washington, D.C. case could come into play, adding additional probation and jail time. Los Angeles jail time differs from the rest of the nation, due to overcrowding, but Washington is another story.

Side Bar: There was also a problem with Chris Brown and a counselor in rehab.


Chris Brown Jailed After Being Thrown Out of Rehab ... Again

3/14/2014 2:29 PM PDT BY TMZ STAFF  - Chris Brown is on his way to jail right now, because he violated a judge's order by getting booted from the rehab facility where he's been living for nearly 4 months ... TMZ has learned. The judge in the Rihanna beating case ordered Chris to live in the Malibu rehab facility for 90 days to get anger management therapy, and he completed the stint earlier this month. BUT ... at the last court hearing, the judge modified things and ordered Chris to stay in the facility while the Washington D.C. assault case ran its course. 

The deal was this ... if Chris left rehab, he would go directly to jail. Sources familiar with the situation tell TMZ ... Brown was thrown out of the rehab facility this morning, for violating "internal rules." We do not know precisely what Chris did, but we're told it did not involve violence or drugs. Sources tell TMZ ... Chris was caught having "an inappropriate relationship" with a female worker at the beginning of the month, but that is NOT why he was thrown out today. 

As you recall, Chris was previously thrown out of a different facility for throwing a rock at his mom's car window. Chris was picked up by L.A. County Sheriff's deputies this afternoon and is now in jail ...being held with no bail. 

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