Piers Morgan
This is a follow up to the Judiciary Report's series of phone hacking articles, regarding a story I broke first in 2005, via a formal, written police complaint to the Metropolitan Police in London, England. Since the time of the police complaint I filed, 100 people have been arrested in connection with the scandal. People are still being investigated by the police regarding the case.
CNN has announced they are cancelling the Piers Morgan Live program, after 3-years on the air. When Morgan was announced as the replacement for Larry King, whose show was on the air for 25-years, the Judiciary Report stated it wouldn't work and Morgan is not the right replacement. 4-years on, time has proven the Judiciary Report correct, as his ratings are abysmal.

Rupert Murdoch
However, Morgan has also been embroiled in the phone hacking scandal, which I broke first. Morgan was interviewed by police this month regarding claims he actively phone hacked people, illegally mining their phone calls and messages for items to print in the newspapers as scoops, when he was working for Rupert Murdoch's now defunct News Of The World and at the Daily Mirror. Tapes indicate Morgan did indeed break the law, as he was heard owning up to the misconduct that he is now backpedaling from, claiming complete ignorance (I know you did it).STORY SOURCE
Report: CNN's Piers Morgan Live Will End This Spring
Saturday, February 22, 2014 - Piers Morgan and CNN President Jeff Zucker have come to a mutual agreement to end Morgan's show, Piers Morgan Live, as early as next month, according to the New York Times. "It's been a painful period and lately we have taken a bath in the ratings," Morgan told the Times, possibly referencing a recent dust-up in which he clashed with Laverne Cox and Janet Mock during an interview about transgender issues...Report: CNN's Piers Morgan Live Will End This Spring