Barack Obama and Beyonce
U.S. President Barack Obama is in the midst of another scandal, all due to his choice of friends. The Drudge Report posted links alluding to claims, President Obama had sex with attention seeking singer Beyonce. The links pointed to Beyonce's new song "Partition" which has a reference to oral sex with the president.
Beyonce's lyrics state, "Driver roll up the partition please/ I don't need you seeing Yonce on her knees/Oh he so horny, yeah he want to f**k /He popped all my buttons and he ripped my blouse/He Monica Lewinsky-ed all on my gown."
Monica Lewinsky is the woman who had a sexual affair with Obama's fellow Democrat, former President, Bill Clinton. Her name became synonymous with fellatio (performing oral sex on a man). Fast-forward from Bill to Barack, Beyonce is now alluding to having had oral sex with the current president. The arrogant, adulterous song is extremely disrespectful to his wife, First Lady, Michelle Obama. It is also disrespectful to the office of the presidency.

Barack Obama, Beyonce and Jay-Z
Ironically, Michelle Obama embraced Beyonce and repeatedly spoke highly of her as a good role model for her young daughters. Obama echoed those sentiments in an interview as well. However, good role models don't make songs about performing oral sex on a married head of state. Nor do they make a career out of stealing copyrights, which is a crime under domestic and international law.
I could not understand why the Obamas would forge ties with Jay-Z and Beyonce, as they are two dimwitted, braggadocios troublemakers, who are out of their league in said political circle. I also don't understand why Obama expected decorum or discretion from the publicity seeking couple. The Judiciary Report stated years ago that Beyonce and Jay-Z would bring the Obamas trouble. First the scandal arising from the couple's Cuba trip, then an adultery scandal Beyonce's PR team fed the press and during Valentine's week, completely disrespecting the first lady, while seeking publicity for her CD. Now this.
Between the publicity stunts and the song bragging about pulling a Monica Lewinsky, Beyonce is behaving like a jealous mistress. She would do well to be careful publicly playing games of this nature with a head of state. It's not good for one's fortune or freedom.
Oh Look Who's Trying to Steal the Raunch Crown from Queen Miley
2/26/2014 6:00 AM - No doubt that Beyonce's new track, "Partition" is catchy. It's not bad. Yeah, she doesn't do a whole lot of singing in it -- it's more like grunting and Bey-rapping and sass -- but that's become Beyonce's style as of late. However, the raunch factor is pretty high, and it's starting to feel like trashy is bey-coming girlfriend's schtick ... and she doesn't quite realize that Rihanna and Miley Cyrus have respective corners on that particular market.
Come to think of it, even if the video isn't visually disturbing -- because no lie, it's hot -- the message is what could be construed as even further detrimental to Beyonce's message of undying feminism. Check out the lyrics:
Driver roll up the partition please/ I don't need you seeing Yonce on her knees ...
Oh he so horny, yeah he want to f---
He popped all my buttons, and he ripped my blouse
He Monica Lewinsky-ed all on my gown
Oh he so horny, yeah he want to f---
He popped all my buttons, and he ripped my blouse
He Monica Lewinsky-ed all on my gown
I just wanna be the girl you like, the girl you like
Why are you so concerned about being the kind of girl he likes, Bey? Doesn't that go against everything you've been peddling over the years about how it's all about you, and how you feel about yourself in your own skin, and not relying on another person to validate you to the point where you want to be something that you might not be? Yeah, it's just a song -- but come on. Let's do some real music here, girl. We know you've got something better hiding than this simpering, sexual alter-ego, right? It's getting old fast, friend.
Barack Obama: Beyoncé is the perfect role model for my daughters
Thursday 20 September 2012 07.17 EDT - Barack Obama has revealed the extent to which he is a fan of Beyoncé, claiming she is the perfect "role model" for his daughters. The singer and her husband, Jay-Z, hosted a fundraiser for the US president's re-election campaign in New York on Tuesday. Tickets cost $40,000 per head. The couple held the event at Jay-Z's 40/40 club, with Beyoncé taking to the stage to introduce Obama, saying they "believe in his vision". The president – who has two daughters, Sasha, 11, and Malia, 14 – returned the compliments when he took over the microphone.
"To J and B, thank you so much for your friendship. Beyoncé could not be a better role model for my girls," he said, according to US Weekly. Obama also joked about what he has in common with Jay-Z. "We both have daughters and our wives are more popular than we are. So, you know, we've got a little bond there. It's hard but it's OK," he said...
Beyonce is a Pretty Terrible Person
12/31/2013 11:00 AM PST - Beyonce, a woman who most humans would be comfortable calling a goddess, really went and did something terrible. In one of her new songs, "XO," Beyonce actually had the nerve (and the sheer stupidity) to put in actual audio from the Challenger explosion. To be clear, she put an audio clip from an actual tragedy in which seven people died ... in a pop song...
So that's pretty unforgivable, right? Why would you even think to do that, let alone go through with it? How did she think this was remotely acceptable? It's really, really not, and here's a statement from a woman who lost her husband in the Challenger explosion to prove it: "We were disappointed to learn that an audio clip from the day we lost our heroic Challenger crew was used in the song 'XO.' The moment included in this song is an emotionally difficult one for the Challenger families, colleagues and friends. We have always chosen to focus not on how our loved ones were lost, but rather on how they lived and how their legacy lives on today."
But not only is Beyonce too dense and insensitive to realize the issue, she's also too dense and insensitive to deliver a meaningful apology... Does she really believe that a generic pop song is going to help people who lost their spouses, their friends and family members? It's understandable that Beyonce is a little self-centered -- she is Beyonce, after all -- but this is just unbelievable. Unbelievable, offensive, and really just ridiculous. Do better, Beyonce. Do way, way better. Start by not using real life tragedies to sell records, OK?